Hockey Canada developed the U7 Program to make the first contact with hockey a safe and positive experience. It is a structured, learn-to-play hockey program designed to introduce beginners to the game's basic skills. It enables participants to become contributing members of a team effort, develop self-confidence, and experience a sense of personal achievement. These goals are achieved in an atmosphere of fun and fair play.
The Hockey Canada U7 Program is designed for players five and six years old, but is suitable for any entry-level hockey player and clearly lays out how to get them started in hockey so they will have fun, learn skills and develop confidence.
Core to the program...
1. The U7 Program is a progressive, learn-to-play teaching curriculum. Children learn through participating in practice drills and informal modified games.
2. The program consists of four phases of instruction, designed for any entry-level hockey player, which introduce the skills of skating, passing, puck control and shooting in a progressive, one-step-at-a-time manner.
U7 Program Objectives:
1. A comprehensive program for the development of young children as hockey players.
2. The focus is on skill development and fun without the pressures of winning.
3. It aims to create participants and instructors who will continue in the game.
4. The motto is Fun, Fitness and Fair Play.
Hockey Eastern Ontario - U7
Hockey Canada - U7:
Timbits Under-7 Hockey | Complete Guide for Players, Parents, Coaches and Local Hockey Associations (hockeycanada.ca)
U7 Resource Guide:
U7 Player Pathway Information Guide: